Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 45 San Juan de Maguana: "Matando la vaca!"

Dear Family,

Well this week has absolutely flown by!  Friday we had a super awesome zone conference with our zone and the zones of Azua and Brahona. We had to get up at 5:00am to get ready and go.  I fell asleep on the way there for a bit, but we got to the conference and I met up with tons of friends. It was super cool because I got to see Elder E and Hermana S and everybody told me that I look a lot skinnier. Anyway, they had a scale there so I stood on and it showed me weighing 170. So I was thinking, “hmm, that’s not so bad.” But then I realized two things; one that I was wearing my giant eccos, and two, that I had my backpack on. I took off the backpack and ... 160, still with my eccos on! I’m probably around 155 pounds now. It’s crazy! I think I entered into the mission at 190ish. (I was a fatty before)
The area president Elder Cornish was at the conference and he gave a super cool talk that I wish I had recorded. He told us a story about a poor family that only had one cow and they depended on the cow to live. Because they were so poor, they asked a wise guy to help them out and he went and took the cow and pushed it off a cliff and left! Seems crazy, but then the wise man came back 10 years later and found a huge mansion where the poor family used to live. So he asked the guy who lived in the mansion where the family that used to be very poor was. Obviously it was the guy who was once poor. The wise guy responded that’s what I thought and left! Elder Cornish later told us that the cow represents our limited vision of what we can do and if we kill the cow, we will be able to do great things in our areas. It was really cool and I very much enjoyed it. It was a very spiritual and very powerful meeting. So this whole week my comp and I have been talking about “matando la vaca!”
Then this p-day we went to our chapel and played some different sports, which was pretty fun. There is this one elder in my house that is super cool. His name is Elder T and he is from New Zealand. We are really good friends and we had a fun time playing sports; the sisters in the zone even showed up! When you play sports with elders it gets pretty competitive, but sisters makes it a little calmer. In the other branch of San Juan, two of the sisters are fluent in both English and Spanish and neither of their comps speak Spanish. Hermana F is Mexican American and is training an American sister from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and the other companionship is Hermana M from Honduras and her comp doesn’t speak English or Spanish fluently. She is from a pacific island. Anyway, both Hermana M and Hermana F asked me how I learned my Spanish so that they could help their comps during sports. It was pretty cool! I guess my Spanish isn’t too bad. 

Anyway, I love you all and hope you have a super good week.

Elder Bailey Stark

P.S. My address is: 

Elder Bailey Stark
C/ Hatuey #73
Urb. Los Cacicazgos
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic

Just in case you want to write me a letter.

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