Monday, September 21, 2015

Week 93: La Fe: We finally got our light back

Hey mom,

Thank you so much for the email! That’s crazy that Sam is getting married. The family is so different. Its like it just jumped into a new era while I’ve been here in the DR. I´m behind on the game! I need to hurry up and get married. Hahah!
We did finally get our light back, and we found a new place to live as well, but unfortunately the moving process takes about a month, so I might just be able to enjoy the house for a bit before I go home. However, for now, there will be no sleeping on the floor, and I will have my own pillow!!! Blessing counting!
That’s great that Owen was able to give his farewell talk, but why did he have a turkey claw in his pocket, and how does that give you good luck? Why didn’t he just say “alpha zombie”? 
So this week I have been working really hard and have had a little success. We are teaching a family who have a son with Down syndrome. Anyway, their son always wants me to tell Mary he says hi. He is 10 and is named Jose. Their family is really interesting; they have lots of problems, but they always manage to stay happy! It’s a very good quality to have. 
Anyway, love you mom! Hope you have a great week! 

Elder Stark

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