Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week 90: La Fe: Don't Get Hit By A Hurricane

Hey Family,

Sounds like a bit of a busy week with the moves and finishing up the summer. It must be weird to have the house kind of empty. Soon the family will be back together, well more or less. Owen will be on an island, but hey.
Well, while you guys are finishing up summer we are starting the hurricane season. Friday is when it hit. The whole morning it just sprinkled, but then the big part of it hit us about 2. Right before it hit, we went over to the zone leader’s house and had a good time just hanging out. I´m a pretty old missionary, so I decided to take advantage of the moment and had a glorious nap. It was wonderful! But yeah, there was just a ton of rain and wind. It was a bit crazy and the next day walking around we saw tons of trees that had gotten knocked over. But we had a pretty easygoing time.
I am starting to really feel the effects of 21 months of service; I am just tired, like all the time! Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel like I’m the best missionary I have ever been, but at the same time I recognize my weaknesses more then ever before. Kind of a weird time.
Anyway things with my new companion are going well. He is Elder C from Jamaica. I am training him and he is a very humble guy. He is huge, like this guy is well over 6 feet tall. Maybe like 6.4 or 6.5. He is very cool and has a cool accent. Also, he says that I have a bad Spanish accent... lame. But whatever, things are going really well. You guys can’t make fun of me too much when you get here!
As for the mission work, we have two baptisms coming up, D and her daughter N. They are very excited and this Sunday will be their interview. They seem to be very excited to get baptized and are well prepared. We still visit Cookie and Fabian quite a bit. They are probably my favorite converts ever. I love spending time over there! Cookie recently spoke in sacrament meeting and she made people cry! She has such a strong testimony. We will be spending a bit of time with her when you guys come.
Anyway, that’s basically my week. I’m kind of nervous to end the mission and come home. Can you guys think of anything to help? Love you all. Take care. Don’t get hit by a hurricane!


Elder Stark

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