Monday, August 10, 2015

Week 86: La Fe: A Bit Tough, but a Nice Birthday


Well, this week has been a tough one. My companion is a really great guy; he is from one of the smaller Caribbean islands and has about a year and a half in the church. The only problem is that he has a physical disability with his leg and it’s been hurting him quite a bit to walk around all day. It’s been a bit hard on him in the mission. With his leg and the culture shock, it’s been a challenge for him, so we have been taking it really slow, but the only problem is that I can work as hard as I was before... Anyway, with all the pain he’s been in, we went and talked to the president and his wife. Today we went to the Caribbean mission doctor and got him checked up and the doctor said it’s possible that Elder T might have to get his mission call changed so that he could be in a mission with cars. I’m not sure when that’s going to happen, or if it will, but we will see. 

On a brighter note we have a baptism! Actually it’s a family. Cookie and Fabian! It a mother and her son, and, wow, they are probably my favorite investigators ever! First off, they are from Cuba! Cookie is thirty-two and Fabian is 11. They are the most golden investigators ever. They have so much love for the gospel. Every appointment with them is amazing and for my birthday they threw me a surprise party and got me a cake. But the best birthday present I got was that we filled out their baptismal records and the both asked if I would baptize them :) I love them so much! I’ll send some pictures. Anyway I am super excited for them to get baptized! Fabian told me that he wants to be a missionary and that he’s going to start saving all his money so that he can go! 

Anyway, my birthday was a lot of fun. Thanks everybody for your wishes. It means a lot. 

Elder Stark 

P.S. Are Jake and Anndi sleeping in my bed? If so, I want Owen's bed when I get back.

Note from the mother: No, Jake and Anndi are not sleeping in Bailey's bed. They have a new one. Bailey can have his own bed when he returns.

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