Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week 25 Santo Domingo: I love being here on a mission!


Wow, so this week really flew by! I seriously cannot believe it’s Monday again, but this week has been really good. I love being here on a mission!

This week has just felt super great, but it’s hard to put my finger on what has made it so great. Monday, we went to this park in the zone leader’s area and roller-bladed. It was a lot of fun, but I only roller-bladed for a bit and then decided that I would rather not come home early in a cast. So I just chilled and talked to some other elders. Afterwards, we went to a cool sandwich shop. I ordered chinola juice and a ham and cheese sandwich, which was super good. I think chilola juice, which is passion fruit, is my favorite. 

Wednesday, I went on an intercambio (exchange) to the zone leader’s area, which was pretty fun, but I still think I like my area better. My area feels like home. I was with Elder M. He’s a pretty cool guy, but he is going home after this transfer. Anyway, it was a good intercambio, and I learned some new stuff.

So this week my comp and I have been working especially hard to support the ward and try to get more references. We have contacted this area a ton, but none of the contacts progressed, so it’s a bit discouraging, but we are working to try to find more references. That means we need to start visiting members, which I don’t like doing... I feel like we should be out in the street more. But the only way to get references is to work with the members, so we have been doing more of that and it’s starting to work :) 

We also started working with the ward mission leader to arrange nights of friendship so that the investigators can make friends with members. Also, they can get to know the leaders of the ward. Plus, it’s just fun! But yeah, we think that every investigator and less-active member should have a friend in church. So this is our idea to help get the members more involved. We had our first “noche de amistad” this Wednesday, but I wasn’t able to go because I was on the intercambio. I heard that not many people showed up, so we will have to work to make it more popular these next couple weeks before the next one!

One of my favorite things here is learning the gangster talk. When I talk with the street Dominicans, sometimes I’ll throw out a couple Dominican slang words and watch them freak out like ¨Wooo! He know how we talk!!!! He is a tiger!!!!¨ But anyway, I learned this one, “tu ta hamón”, which literally means, “You are ham”. But here it means, “You’re the awkward guy that never gets a girl”. So I’ll have to figure out when I can use it. I already told the Dominican elder in my house that he is ham, but he just laughed and said that we are all ham!

We did a special fast with P, so that he can hopefully get married and get baptized. We are hoping that everything goes good with that. We are waiting for him and his wife to get to the hospital so that they can get their son’s birth certificate figured out and get married. 

Also we had a zone conference with our new mission president! He is super tall, like 6’6’’, and seems like a fantastic guy. His name is President Knuckles and wow, he is a really inspirational guy. During the zone conference he told us about how we can work with the members better, which was super helpful. Then his wife spoke and told us about her family, and yeah, they are super nice. I like them a lot! During the zone conference we had a practice and I took a bunch of photos of one elder while he was doing the practice just to be funny. Then afterwards, I showed him and he was like ¨Paparazzi!!!!!¨ But I’ll upload those. After the zone conference, Sister Knuckles was talking to my comp and asked him if he had lost much weight on the mission and he told her no, but that I had lost like 25 pounds. So she then talked to me, asking if i was eating enough and drinking water and stuff. It was kind of funny, but it’s sweet of her to worry about us like that. 

Anyway, that was my week.

Love you all, 

Elder Bailey Stark

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