Monday, May 26, 2014

Week 24 Santo Domingo: I think I have a rice problem

Hey everybody!

Happy Memorial Day! (I just found out that it was Memorial Day.) Also big shout out to Paul and Crystal Stark for having been married 22 years!!! They are the best parents ever!

Well, this week has been very tranquil. Not much has happened here. We are working hard, but having a hard time getting investigators to progress. We have one investigator named L who is 11 years old and has been going to church for 4 years, but is not baptized. So we decided to start teaching her about a month ago, and then as soon as we start teaching her, she stops coming to church... No clue what happened. But anyway, we enlisted the primary president to help us out. She said she would start going over there and try to get her to keep coming to church.

Then on Wednesday we had lunch at a member’s house. It was super good rice with ground beef. But wow was that rice good! I’ve eaten so much rice that now when I think about the food that I used to eat back home, all I think of is rice. Also, this is a bit embarrassing, but I have even had dreams about cooking and eating rice... I think I have a rice problem!

Thursday was super cool. We had a lesson with a less active family. We were teaching the grandma (A) and one of the aunts (Al) but there is also another aunt and two nieces that are all less active. Anyway, so we were teaching A and Al when Al’s brother showed up and asked us if we wanted to see his work. So he led us into their house and showed us one of the most awesome creations of all time! Owen would be green if he saw it! It is a giant rotating hand-made waffle cone maker!!!! I'll send pictures. We watched him do that for a while. It was freaking awesome! Owen would have been seriously impressed. Anyway, he makes thousands of waffle cones everyday for different ice cream places.

Also on Thursday I discovered one of the best things ever. Fresh mango! They are so amazing-I’m planning on buying a ton of mangos. They are super juicy and stringy and you end up with a lot of stuff in you teeth, but it has the best flavor of all time. And it's mango season so I’m in luck!

Saturday was Elder B’s birthday and Dominicans are so nice. We had 3 parties lined up. It was great- we ate so much food! One was at the G family. Then one at our investigator’s house, N. Then another at the house of a huge less active family. It was great! We had so much food and soda at every single one. I was stuffed, and we also ad a great lesson with P to top off the night. It was great!!

Sunday was really good. We had a fantastic lesson with the B family. It’s a couple with their newborn son. They are super, super funny, so all of our lessons with them are half spiritual and half comedy session. But we taught them about the book of Mormon and they both had great questions. They are a wonderful family.

Today my comp had to go to the doctor, so we got up and went visit the doctor in the CCM. It was actually pretty fun, but it was weird to be back at the CCM. We got to hang out there for a bit. I also met an elder who is serving in the east mission who is from Chinandega West. He said that Jake is serving in his ward. Cool stuff! Since we were already downtown and it was p-day, we decided so stop by Pizza Hut for Elder B’s birthday. Super fun! 

Anyway, that was my week. I’m hoping everything’s good at home. Stay strong, have faith and all that jazz. Quédense mucho!

Elder Bailey Stark 

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