Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Week 26 Santo Domingo: 6 month mark

Hi Family,

Well, wow! My week has flown by. I can’t believe that I’m sitting here to email again. It feels as though I was just here. I also just hit 6 months in the mission. It’s strange that this part of my life is already 25% gone... 

This Tuesday was a really fun day. We had exchanges and I was in Elder E’s area. It was a lot of fun because their area is super poor and most of time you’re hiking through jungle. It’s pretty crazy! I took some pictures that I’ll upload next week, because I left my camera at home today. They have some pretty cool parts of their area, but they have to walk a ton. Their area is super far away. That day we had lunch at Hermana S’s house. She is a cool lady that lives in my area. She has super funny, twin daughters. One of them has 2 thumbs on the same hand and they are a blast. Anyway, lunch that day was great. Rice, beans and chicken.

I hit 6 months in the mission this week. So to celebrate, I grabbed a crappy tie, bought some sort of dangerous chemical that smelled super strong from a sketchy street store, and went to a member’s house and soaked my tie and burned it ;) Classic missionary party! It was pretty freaking fun! 

Then Thursday we had a freaking, great day. We visited the B family that we had contacted. They are a young couple and they just had their first kid, A. They are very nice people and super funny. Our lessons with them are always a party. We had a really great lesson where we talked about the pre-earth life, and E just kept asking the best questions. Anyway, it led into a really good discussion about our life on earth and we popped the baptism question. He and his wife accepted baptism! So all they need to do is go to church 4 times, and we will be having a baptism. It was a great lesson and we walked out just super pumped!

The next day was another great day. We had a first lesson with a mother and daughter. Elder B and I were just teaching in sync and we talked to them about following the example of Jesus. They were like, “How can we follow him?”  We talked about baptism and set a date with both of them. It was great! Hopefully they will progress. On the way to our next lesson, I was walking next to a person’s house and yeah, they had a dog and, well, it wasn’t very happy. So yeah... it bit my hand. Hahaha. Luckily it wasn’t bad at all. It barely even broke the skin and healed in two days. So lucky for me, it wasn’t bad. We talked to the owner and stuff and found out that it doesn’t have rabies. It was a fun experience.

Saturday we had another lesson with the B family. We had asked a guy in the ward to come with us. He was phenomenal in the lesson. He really understood his role in the lesson, and shared his conversion story with them. At one point, he said, “I plead with you to do what these two elders say. I promise you that your new family will be blessed in the best way possible.” Wow, it was really powerful and they couldn’t deny it. E said that there is no way the Book of Mormon isn’t true. 

Anyway, that was my week here in the DR. Thanks for all the emails and support. I love you all!

Elder Bailey Stark

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