Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Week 28 Santo Domingo: Centipedes and Waffle Cones


Wow, so here I am again. These weeks just fly by. One more week and we will be in July; it’s incredible! I love every minute that I am here. Here in Manoguyabo, things are really picking up, but I’ll explain more of that in the letter. I wanted to say thank you all for the support, especially my parents. You guys are the best! Elder B and I are working harder and harder each day.

So this week was fairly normal, but with a few funny stories. First off though, I want to talk about some of the new investigators that we are teaching:

F is a super awesome guy. He is 40 and owns a company where he makes waffle cones by the hundreds. It’s super awesome because sometimes he gives us free cones and I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so many waffle cones in my life.  We are too poor to buy ice cream for them, so we just eat them plain. I love this guy! He is a super good investigator and really wants to learn. His mind was blown this last lesson when we talked to him about the great apostasy.

M. We were considering dropping her, but then she talked with her less active friend this last week and they both came to church!!! It was the friend’s first time at church in over 6 months and M’s first time too. She has a super hyper and guapa daughter. (guapa means angry or short tempered here)

J M: this guy is kind of tigre, or street like, but he’s a super mellow guy. It seems like nothing fazes this guy. We had our first lesson with him and then all of the sudden The Spirit was there and he asked about church and when it started and stuff.  Anyway, this Sunday we walk up the hill to the church and he’s outside waiting for us and says completely monotone, “Hey, you guys are late.” We were ten minutes early! Hahaha, I love this guy.

P should hopefully be getting married to his wife this week. I’m super excited because if we can get them baptized this transfer, I will be able to go to the temple with them and see them sealed!

Oh, so a really funny thing happened when we were at F’s house. He was making cones and we were just talking, when Elder B saw a centipede on the wall. Now, this may not seem like a big deal, but the centipede was literally longer than my shoe. And they are poisonous! So I jumped up and ran to get my camera and got a nice snapshot of it right before A, F’s sister, grabbed a pot full of waffle cone batter and hit the centipede with it. I was in the splash zone and got hit with the batter. The problem was that I thought it was centipede guts that I was covered with. I was super grossed out for a second! Unfortunately, it didn’t kill the centipede, so we spent the next hour looking for it with machetes in hand, but we couldn’t find it.

There is more I could write, but I’m almost out of time I. love you all and hope you guys are doing great. I’m praying for you all the time! 

Elder Stark

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