Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Week 21 Santo Domingo: Bunnies and Pigs

Hey family,

Well this week flew by! It seems like yesterday. But yeah, everything is great here in Manoguyabo. Oh, and happy 5th of May.
Wednesday was a super great day. In the evening, we had an activity at a family in the ward where we played dominos. It was super fun. Dominos here is a super competitive game and you always see people playing it out in the street. It’s kind of  funny. There are 4 players and you each have 7 dominos. It gets pretty intense and I love it!
Also this week I’ve made an effort to learn Dominican slang, which is fun to use because the Dominicans freak out what you use it!
Thursday we didn’t have much success. It was awful. We only taught one lesson the whole day, and the rest of the time we were walking to different houses to visit. It was super hot that day.
         On Friday, we had a zone meeting, which was great. And afterwards we went to a restaurant called Pica Pollo. It is like a weird Chinese/Dominican fried chicken fast food chain. It’s super greasy, but so good and I love it!
Saturday was a good day. We started teaching two less active teenage girls, who are super sassy.
Then Sunday we planned a big part of our day for a new investigator. He is the husband of a less active lady. We showed up, but they weren’t there, so that kind of stunk. But hey. 
That was my week. It was super fun. I love you all, and you guys are in my prayers. Stay strong and keep the faith!


Elder Stark

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