Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 23 Santo Domingo: I didn't get transferred.

Dear Family,

Well, May has flown by! I cannot believe it’s almost June. On the fourth of June, I will hit my 6-month mark; it’s insane!!! Time here in the DR is flying! Anyway, here’s my week:

Tuesday was Mary's 14th birthday. So from here in the DR, happy, happy, happy birthday, Mary!!!! I hope you had a fantastic day! That day we went and visited H and C, they are a less active couple who got baptized 12 years ago and haven’t be to church since then. They are kind of a mystery to me because I don’t know what to do with them. Usually with less active members I try to remind them of their duty to go to church, and help them make steps to get back. But with H and C, they don’t know of their duty to go to church and don’t even remember who Joseph Smith is.... It’s kind of a problem. Anyway, we took a member of the bishopric over there and I think we are going to reteach all of the lessons with them. I was actually thinking about dropping them because I didn’t see much hope with them, but I was reading in Jesus the Christ, (Kyle, Brian, I recommend you both read this book on your mission) and it was talking about the analogy of the lost sheep and the parable of the prodigal son.  I was pondering over that because for some reason it hit me pretty hard.  As missionaries, it hurts pretty hard when our investigators don’t progress, or don’t understand, or aren't coming back. But to God, these are His children and He loves them even more! Anyway, it hit me and I learned the lesson in D&C 18:10-16 over again!

Now for a bit of a funny story! Elder B and I were playing dominoes at a member’s house. For those of you who don’t know, Dominican dominoes are a very competitive game!!! Elder B and me and a member kid named G, were playing and it was super fun; we were having a great time. Then.... this super sassy, rude, neighbor girl asked to play with us. Dun. dun. dun.  We said “yes” of course, and started playing teams. I was on her team, and Elder B and G were on the other team. This sassy, Dominican chick kept winning and being super rude, in your face about it to Elder B and G. So I whisper out of the corner of my mouth to Elder B and say, "Bro, this chick is rude", and he says, "Yeah, she’s a brat”. I said, ''here, I’ll tell you my tiles so that you win" and because no one understood English, I would whisper my tiles to him during the whole game so he would win!!!! It was super fun because the girl kept getting really pissed off! Elder B were trying unsuccessfully not to laugh, and then there was G, just chilling having a good time!!!!

Also this week we had a lesson with M. M is an investigator who is married to a less active named N. They are super cool and really funny! M always volunteers his wife for the prayers, and they are just a cute couple. They have one daughter who is 3.  M was investigating the church, but found a bunch of lies on the Internet about Mormons, so we have to address those and figure it out with him. Right now we are working on the restoration and answering all of his questions as he has them. It’s pretty fun and he’s one of those investigators that you really have to study for, which I like. He is a fantastic guy and is just really nice, honest and curious. He said last time that he really likes us because we are teaching him to understand. 

Another funny thing. There’s these stairs that are in our area that we use a lot. They are huge, long and basically have been constructed in a way that would make Uncle Mark tear up! Half the steps you can barely get the tips of your toes on, and others are like 4 feet long and slanted so you almost slip. Anyway, there was one day where we went to go teach an investigator named Andre who lives at the end of the stairs. We hiked all the way to his house, down the stairs and found him in his house, only for him to tell us that he is Catholic and doesn’t want to talk to us anymore... So we hiked all the way back home, up the terrible stairs and to our next lesson. We named the stairs, “the stairs of Andre!” And now every time we walk up them, we yell, “Augh, Andre!” 

Saturday we had a ward activity to try to spark interest in the ward for missionary work. Each of us had a part for the activity. Elder B shared a talk called “Hastening the Lord’s game plan.” I highly, suggest that you all read it, especially Kyle and Brian! Then Elder M showed how members can use Preach My Gospel. Elder E shared how members have a duty to share the gospel, and I did a practice where everyone was in a group and they had to invite a friend to church. It was a lot of fun, and hopefully in these coming months we can get more help from the ward.

That was my week! I love you all so much! I love all of your letters. Thank you and have a good week.

Your servant,

Elder Stark

Frying Platanos

They becomes Tostones

My Typical Day:

6:00- Wake up.
6:30- Roll out of bed. Take a freezing cold shower and get dressed.
7:00- Start making breakfast. What I’ve been doing lately for breakfast is a fried egg sandwich. I fry the egg and sprinkle all-purpose seasoning on it and put it on a slice of bread.
8:00- Start personal study. I should work out, but I don’t have motivation that early in the morning. For personal study right now I’m reading Jesus The Christ for 30 minutes and reading the scriptures for 30 minutes. I try to read a chapter of the Old Testament, a chapter of the New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
9:30- We do comp study, which right now we are slowly making our way through Preach My Gospel, going in depth with all of it!
10:00- I do about a half an hour of language study. Usually I just use a book they gave us in the MTC.
10:30 -12:00- We leave and usually contact or visit less active members.
12:00-2:00- Lunch, which we cook for ourselves. I cook every other day, and we always cook Dominican food.
2:00-9:00- The Lord’s time! We try to get about 7 lessons every day- 2 less active lessons, 2 member present lessons, and three others.
8:45- We head back to the house, plan for the next day and cook dinner.
10:30- Get to bed

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