Sunday, May 18, 2014

Week 22 Santo Domingo: Inspiration Rocks!

Dear Family,

Wow, so this week was wet! It rained hard almost every single day this week.

Monday was a super good p-day. In the morning we got up and had to go to my comp’s last area to get a suit that he is having made. It was a bit of a walk, but we got there. The guy who’s doing the suit is super cool. He’s an older guy and is working super hard to save money so that he can serve a mission. I think I might have him make me some nice scripture covers. 

Later that day we had a lesson with a super cool investigator named P. P is what we call a dry member, meaning he knows everything but for one reason or another he hasn’t been baptized. Anyway P has two issues: marriage and church attendance. So brief history, P and his ¨wife¨ Y were living together with 2 kids but weren’t married. When I was with Elder M we taught them and set a baptismal date. They were about to get married, but a problem came up where the hospital wrote Y’s name wrong on one of their kid’s birth certificate. So they had to set an appointment in June to get it fixed with the hospital. But they stopped going to church and we couldn’t find them anywhere. We finally found out that they broke up and were living separately. Anyway we tried teaching P, but he wasn’t really into it. So Elder M and I decided to give him a break. Then Elder B and I were talking to P’s mom, who is a less active member, and she told us that every night P reads the Book of Mormon and is also studying the teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith. So I thought, “well those are the actions of one who wants to join the church”. We talked with P and he told us that he doesn’t know what to do. Should he wait and get baptized with Y, or do it solo? He really wants his family to be sealed for time and all eternity. So we had a great lesson with him this week, and both my comp and I received inspiration. My comp said that he and Y should read The Family: A Proclamation to the World together. I said that we should also have a special fast. It was super cool because it was a spur of the moment thought for both of us. Anyway, later that week, we were able to meet with P and Y and read The Family: A Proclamation to the World and WOW! It was powerful!! P has a super strong testimony and Y has the desire too! I think it will work out between them and I am so happy.

There are a few other things that happened like my comp and I using an Ax deodorant spray can to kill ants, or us rocking at playing dominoes. But yeah, those are the highlights of my week!

Love you all, 
Elder Stark

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