Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Week 20 Santo Domingo: Holy Shiz! Where are the seatbelt laws?

Dear Family,

Well this week has been pretty good! On Tuesday we had a service project at an investigator’s house.  The wife of this family is super pregnant, so we helped them out by painting baby’s room. It was pretty fun, but it took forever. After that, they fed us and we went out to work.  Over all, it was a good day. I also had a spiritual experience when I was teaching a less active member. The Spirit was really strong, but she is super stubborn so we will see what happens

Thursday we had a zone conference, which was really sad because our president said goodbye to us. It was a super power conference though! Anyway, after our last lesson of the night, we were walking back and saw this guy chasing a car. We were thinking, “what the heck?” Then the guy pulled out a pistol and started shooting at the car, and then it was like “Wo, holy shiz!” I still have no clue what happened there!

On Friday evening we went to a member’s house and burned a shirt of Elder M’s. When you reach 6 months, you’re supposed to burn a tie, at a year a shirt, at 18 months pants, and at 24 a suit. But I’ve never heard of anyone burning a suit!

This Sunday was stake conference so we went to the stake center for that. It was fun because I got to see a bunch of friends. We rode home from stake conference in the back of a truck! It was super, super fun! And we got to have lunch at the bishop’s house. Later we contacted a lady that I have a good feeling about.

Anyway, that was my week.

Love you all,

Elder Stark

Bailey with President and Sister Rodriguez

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