Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Week 19 Santo Domingo: Semana Santa

Dear family,

Okay, well this week was a little bit different because it was Semana Santa or Holy Week. So pretty much nobody was home!

Tuesday we went out with 2 ward members and they showed us where several less active members live so we can help them return to church. At the last house we visited there was a lady who was in her house, and her friend was doing her hair. We were talking to her and she told us that she was now going to the Pentecostal church. Anyway, the friend said, “Can I ask a question?” She then went off on a 30 minute yelling fest telling us how our church is wrong because we have baptism for the dead and a bunch of other stuff. I finally got sick of it and stood up and told her that we had to leave to preach the gospel. I had to say it several times, but it finally got through. Anyway, it was a super good day and was a lot of fun!

Thursday was a normal day until our last appointment. We were in a lesson with this family we are teaching, and some drunk guy came into their house and told us that we need to preach that there is only one God and that its Jehovah, and that this Holy Week is not about partying, its about God! Anyway, he could barely walk and it was nighttime. We finished this lesson and were walking home and we hear this other guy yelling about a “Chino.” (Chinese person, but it also means everybody that’s not Dominican or Haitian, so I get called “Chino” quite a bit) Then we saw a guy chasing the drunk down the street with a machete! He was yelling about how he was going to kill the Chino! We stopped and watched but the machete guy gave up and started walking back to his house and the drunk was still running away. So we were like, “That was weird” and started walking back. We saw a bunch of blood splatters on the sidewalk, so it looks like the machete guy hit the drunk! Pretty bizarre!

Friday was Viernes Santa (Good Friday). I thought was going to mean huge parties in the streets, but instead the whole town was quiet. It felt like the start of a zombie apocalypse. Anyway, nobody was home, so we ended up playing dominos (another Dominican habit of mine) at a member’s house.

We had exchanges on Saturday and I was in my area with Elder M. We contacted a ton, but then we were on our way to a lesson and we were hiking through a Haitian’s backyard and I fell and hurt my ankle again. I couldn’t walk for a bit, but I got up and kept going. It’s fairly swollen, but I can walk fine so it’s all good!

And yeah, that was my week. Love you all. Stay strong, keep the faith, and I’ll be with you guys before you know it!

Elder Stark

I keep twisting my ankle

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