Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week 57 San Juan de Maguana: We found a tarantula the size of my face!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m glad you guys had a good week. I sent tons of photos this week and I hope you like them. I had a pretty great p-day. We just cleaned the house and then played Monopoly. I actually won with only 3 properties. It was pretty funny because the Latinos were all getting pretty upset. But yeah, this week was super good. We had a lot of good lessons. There was one day when we had a super spiritual lesson. I was talking to a ward member who was a returned missionary, but was excommunicated and then re-baptized. Anyway, he is super active but doesn’t have the priesthood yet. He has been having a lot of problems with his daughter being rebellious and stuff, so we were over there and he asked us to give her a blessing.  We happily did it and the Spirit was super strong. Then later, we shared how the Atonement is for everybody and how Jesus can help us overcome any challenge that we face. It was a very powerful moment and it actually brought me to tears! It was very special and afterwards the dad gave me a huge hug and was crying as well. Very spiritual moment. We also had over 30 lessons this week. And on Sunday we found a tarantula the size of my face.

Dad, to answer your questions:

1. What I would tell the youth is that my mission is the time of my life where I have grown the most. Just becoming a better person everyday, and that I feel like the mission has completely changed the course of my life. Not that I was going down a bad path, but it has completely changed what I want out of life and how I feel about the gospel in my life.

2. Well as a district leader, I really don’t do much. I have to watch out for the sisters and make sure they get home on time each night. Then every Tuesday, I have a meeting and talk about the investigators and then yeah, apart from that. I just have to set a good example. I’m not sure if I’m a good leader, but I try my best.

Anyway, I love you mom and dad and hope that you are having a good day! I miss you tons. 


Elder Stark

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