Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week 49 San Juan de Maguana: "Challenge accepted!"

Dear Family,

Well this has been a very good week.  We have been doing a ton of tracting, which I’m actually starting to enjoy. Ha-ha. In some areas it’s easy to tract because people are very accepting, but in my area it’s pretty tough. But now when I’m tracting I take it as a personal challenge. “Challenge accepted.” I think of it as a test to see if I can be charming enough to get a return visit. It’s funny to see these people all cold when they answer the door, but then you crack a joke or ask a question and they just open up. It’s pretty fun and I’m getting quite good at it.  You also meet some really interesting people. Like the other day we met this lady who was talking about how she had great grandchildren!!! Anyway, it blew my mind because she looked like she was only 55 (really she was 67), but then we invited her to church and she said that she couldn’t come because she was going to visit her mom. And when she said that I almost freaked out. That means that her mom has great-great grandchildren!!! 

This week we had a farewell party for the branch president here because he got transferred to Santo Domingo for his work. This is terrible because he is one of the few truly converted members here in the branch, but we will see what happens. I’m nervous for the future of this branch though. But we shall see. 

Also, it’s really weird right now because I almost never speak English. I live in a house and district with all Latinos. It’s really interesting that I am the only person in this branch that speaks even a tiny bit of English.  I’ve been teaching an English class to try to find investigators, but it’s really weird explaining my own language in a different language. 

But yeah, I love you all and hope you have a good week and I’ll see you soon!

Elder Stark

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