Saturday, November 8, 2014

Week 47 San Juan de Maguana: Another transfer here

Dear Family,
Well this week was a lot of fun. We planned a bunch of ward activities. The first activity we had was crazy. We planned a movie night for families and we wanted to watch The Incredibles to show how families need to work together. I thought it was a genius plan! We needed to use the projector, but the only problem was that the stake president wasn’t answering his phone. Anyway, we were working in this super far away part of our area when we got a call from the stake president saying that we could use the projector, if we could get to the stake center in ten minutes. We started running, but that failed quickly because my comp has a hernia and can’t run. So we tried to hitchhike! Sorry mom... but nobody was giving us a ride anyway.  I just kept praying that a ward member would see us and give us a ride. Wow, it’s amazing how quickly God answers prayers sometimes, because minutes later our next door neighbors show up and give us a ride to the stake center and back to our chapel. A real miracle! Then my comp and another elder went to the chapel to set everything up and I stayed in the house and started making a mountain of popcorn!!!! It was pretty fun.  Unfortunately, the only people that showed up to the activity were youth, but it was still a lot of fun! A good way to end the night.
 The other activity we had was called a “service day” that was put on by the ward. It was really interesting because what we ended up doing was going to an orphanage to cut hair! One of the weirder services I’ve done, but whatever, it was a lot of fun. Then the women in the ward washed the orphan girls’ hair.
As for the work here, it’s going really good! We are working with a lot of families. There is this little kid that we are working with name R he is my favorite! He is always a reminder of the joy of the gospel. We taught him the plan of salvation and he said, “Wow, the plan of salvation is like a board game!!!” His dad is inactive, but we want him to be able to baptize his son. When we presented that idea, R ran up and had his dad get in to the position as if he were going to baptize him. Hopefully this will give the dad the motivation to reactivate. But we will see. If not, R asked me to baptize him! But yeah, I’m super excited for this next transfer here in San Juan!!!!  I Love you all and I’ll see you next week.

Elder Bailey Stark 

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