Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 32 Santo Domingo: Happy Birthday Owen!

Hey family,

Wow! What a week. This week is one of those where the days dragged on forever, but the whole week flew by. So, the beginning of this week, I had the dreaded Chikungunya Virus. But yeah, I healed! I still have a bit of joint pain, but that’s all right. Also happy birthday Owen!!!!!! The big 17.

I’m doing super good, and will give a bit of a play by play of my week:
Sunday I was sick in the house. But you guys know me; I couldn’t just lay in bed. So I did a super deep scripture study on the commandments, and how to better explain them to my investigators. So yeah fun stuff.  But that day we had a super important lesson at 8:00 with P and Y. This lesson was vital for them and if we didn’t teach it that day, they wouldn’t make their baptism date on August 2. So I got ready and we left at 7:15 to start walking. Normally it takes us about 10 minutes to get to their house, but because I was walking so slow, it took us 45. But we had a very super special lesson and P shared his testimony about the commandments and how he overcame drinking. It was a really special moment. We were late walking back to the house, (Woops!) but it was worth it for that sweet spiritual moment!

This week I’ve been making some visual aids for some investigators. Do you remember E, my first baptism? Well, we started working with her three kids so that they can get baptized. They are great kids, but they don’t know how to read and teaching is pretty slow. Then Wednesday, we had exchanges with ward members so that we could do all the work that we had planned out. It would have been really great, but everyone that we planned to visit weren’t home. It stunk, but that happens. 

Friday, we had a pretty good day. It was interesting because our entire zone went to one ward and we divided up with Priesthood leaders to look for the less active of the ward. So this Friday we did that in Villa Aura and it was pretty fun. We found quite a few people and I felt like it was a success. 

Sunday, we were waiting for P and Y to show up, but they never did. We called them and they said that something had happened. So when we went over there that night, we were pretty nervous. They were supposed to get married today, but Y got in a huge fight with her mom about it. Y’s mom thinks she’s making the wrong decision marrying P. So P and Y decided to postpone the wedding until after they get things resolved with her mom. Which means that I will probably get transferred before the get married and baptized. I’m pretty sad about it, but who knows, they could get it worked out before I leave. That night I spent a good 35 minutes on my knees praying for them, but my faith is being tested a little bit with this one.

Anyway, those were the highlights of my week. I hope you all have a good week, and just so you know, I love you and am praying for you. 

Elder Bailey Stark

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