Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week 31 Santo Domingo: Chikungunya!!

Dear Family,

Well, this week has been one of the crappier weeks of my mission. I got what they call the Chikungunya.  Good luck pronouncing that one. So, I’ll start out with what we did before Chikungunya struck.

The big success that we are having this week is in JM. He is practically made of gold! This man is so prepared for the gospel. Since we invited him to church, he has come every time, and after the third lesson, he said that very soon we will see him as an active member of the church! He is 36 years old and a pretty big guy. He has 4 kids, and they are all girls. Poor guy! Haha! Anyway, he is a super good guy. All he needs to do is get married to his girlfriend. After that, he can get baptized! He will be a great member of the church. 

Also, side note, this week I finished reading the book, The Great Apostasy and I really loved it! I learned a lot from it.

We also had the opportunity to watch The Restoration movie with the B family last week. That was a super great lesson! They loved the video and had some really great questions about temples. We paused the movie so that we could talk about what happens in temples a bit, and had a really sweet moment about how family can be together forever. I think that they will get baptized this transfer. We just have to talk to H about coffee and pornography and then they can get baptized. They are already married which is a huge blessing!

Thursday the Chickungunya struck! I woke up with pain in my ankle, and by the time we left I had pain in my knee. After the first lesson it was in my hip and wrist, and in the second lesson I saw the hives on my arm. We kept going until it started hurting to walk, and then we went home. I woke up the next day feeling stiff, but not too bad. So I cleaned the house a bit and when I got done I laid down on the bed and couldn’t move because it hurt so much. My joints really started hurting, but I finally got the strength to take a shower. When I got my shirt off, I realized that the rash had spread all over my chest and shoulders and back.  It looks like chicken pox, but doesn’t itch like that. That day we didn’t leave at all, and I couldn’t eat. All I did is drink lots of water and juice. The next day I woke and had pain, not just in my joints, but also in my whole body. Fun stuff right :) So that day I didn’t really do much- just studied and slept. But that night we had an activity at the church where we invited all the investigators to the chapel in order to teach The Restoration in one night. We each took turns teaching a part. Then we watched the Joseph Smith video. It was a good activity, but as a district, we only had 10 investigators there. It was a good first attempt though. When I got home from the activity, I looked in the mirror and saw that the hives had spread to my face, and my palms, and the soles of my feet. So yeah! Sunday, I hobbled to church where everybody pointed out that I have Chikungunya. Then we went to lunch at a member’s house. By that time, I was so drained that we just went home until it was time for our appointment with P and Y. I really wanted to keep this appointment, so we walked super slowly to their house. They are close to baptism and they need all the lessons before they can. So we taught them all of the commandments in one lesson. I was so tired at the end of the lesson. And, yeah, that was my week.


Elder Stark

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