Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week 1 MTC: Guess what? I like rice and beans and chicken!

Hey Mom and Dad,

I’m glad to know that you are all doing good, apart from the sickness. I only have 45 minutes to email. My P-days are on Thursdays. I'm doing great in the CCM. The days are starting to blend together, but each day feels so long. It’s really hot here. Like 80 degrees, all the time! But I like it.
It’s really good here, just learning Spanish, which can be tough. My companion is Elder P and we get along okay. My district is pretty cool. There is one trio and three companionships and one Hermana. I’ve become pretty good friends with two guys; Elder S from California and Elder B from Pocatello, Idaho. They are both really cool guys. I get along with most of the guys in my group also. Oh, and by the way, I have a few Haitian friends here too. Elder J is probably my favorite. The Haitians are really cool. They like to use their journals as yearbooks and have people sign them. So I've had probably four Haitians ask me to write in their journals.
Also, I am eating well. It turns out I love rice and beans and chicken. Who knew! :) Anyway, I don’t eat everything, but I eat enough that I am never hungry. Plus, yesterday, I didn’t eat some soup they had. Now everyone is sick, but me. I guess pickiness is a blessing sometimes. And no, they don’t have hot chocolate here, but they have really good juice. It’s muy bueno!
 I am learning Spanish both slowly and quickly at the same time. I can understand very well, but speaking is a challenge. Yesterday, I was teaching a mock investigator in Spanish and I committed him to baptism. Pretty sweet! So far, in Spanish, I can pray, bear my testimony and to some extent talk to people. Pretty nuts! Throughout the day, I probably spend an hour plus praying. In each prayer, I make sure to include you guys back home and ask for the gift of tongues. I really love you guys.
I love you all and I miss you. And, yes, encourage the ward to do missionary work. Talk about the wonderful blessings that go along with this great work. I love you and hope things are good at home. I enjoy it here a lot, and can't wait for Christmas so I can call you. 

Love you lots,

Elder Stark

P.S. I don’t know if I'm allowed to use Dropbox here at the CCM. The President isn't here for me to ask him, so I’ll have to send pictures another day.

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