Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 71: Herrera: Healthy Food and Coded Messages

Dear Family,

So this week was pretty good. Elder L and I worked really hard. We scheduled a bunch of members to go with us to lessons and it worked out very well. On Sunday we had 5 investigators at church, which is the most that I’ve had in my time here in Herrera. 

Unfortunately, this week we have transfers and Elder L is going. We had very little time together, only six weeks, but it was a good time.  I am getting a mini-missionary. A mini-missionary is a joven (youth) that is preparing to serve a mission. The mission calls him when they need him and he can fill a spot and live with the missionaries and work with them everyday. So for the next six weeks I will be the only missionary in Herrera... haha we will see how it goes. I´m excited though.

On some personal news, I have officially gone on a health diet. I noticed that I haven’t had much energy and it was because I had been eating lots of rice and oil (typical Dominican food). So I started eating granola with yogurt in the morning and whole-wheat chicken cheese peppers and onion tacos for lunch and dinner. I also put Tabasco sauce on the tacos and it makes them great!  Then in the mornings I´m jumping rope on the roof to stay a bit more active. I checked my weight a few weeks ago and I have 160 pounds, so I’m a bit skinny. At the start of my mission everybody called me fat and now they don’t. The miracle of living in a third world country.

Then a bit of a funny story, last night a less active girl gave Elder L her journal so that he could write his contact info in it. It was the journal that all the other missionaries who have passed trough Herrera have written in. Anyway, we saw in there that somebody had written in coded letters. So Elder L and I spent the whole night decoding it and figured out that it was the less active girl that had written it and they were confessions of love to different missionaries!!! It was really funny to read it, but the code was super easy to crack, so I don’t know what the girl was thinking writing it in there. 

But yeah that was my week. I’ll let you know how it goes with the mini next week.


Elder Stark

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