Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Week 69: Herrera: Conference and Congratulations

Hey mom and dad!

So this week was actually really terrible, but it ended well.  This week here in Latin American countries is Semana Santa, or holy week, so that combined with Dominican means that everybody left their homes for the country or for the beach. And everybody got drunk for the whole week straight. It was really tough and on top of everything, it was really rainy the whole week.
But we were able to have a few good lessons. We talked with our investigator named C and we had a very good lesson with him about the Spirit. We were talking to him and he told us that he really likes church and stuff but he just wants a confirmation from God. So we asked how he thinks he will receive the answer from God and C told us that he needs God to send him a dream. We explained that most people receive answers through the Holy Ghost and so C was like, “Oh, I’ve never felt the Holy Ghost.” So we were a bit confused and turns out C thought that feeling the Holy Ghost meant talking in tongues and rolling around on the ground like a snake. (And he has never felt the urge to do that.) So we had a good lesson explaining the Holy Ghost and C even showed up to conference and liked it a lot. I think that he will get baptized soon.
It was really tough to get investigators to want to come to conference. Everyone said that they wanted to go to the beach instead. In fact a bunch of people invited us to go to the beach with them! hahah But this month we are going to work really hard to get people to start coming to church. Part of the problem is that the ward doesn’t talk to new people in church. They have a bench reserved for the missionaries and investigators and nobody talks to the new people. So I have been trying to change that. A lot of investigators come once and don’t come back, but we are working on that.
I’m happy to hear about Jake and Anndi. I bet they are very excited. Also, I feel like when I get home I’m not going to recognize anything with all the changes to the house and family. It will be like a whole new world.  How’s it going with Owen and his mission application? Also did I tell you that Anndi has a class with Elder Mooney my old trainer? He said he talked to her a bit and I gave his number to Jake. Maybe you could invite him up to Idaho sometime. He’s one of my favorite comps. That man taught me so much! 
I did watch conference. I don’t really remember who said what but, I tried to do a thing where I apply each message to my personal life and was able to take a bit from each talk. I set a bunch of goals so that I can keep progressing.

Well have a great week mom and dad. Miss you guys tons!
Elder Bailey Stark

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