Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week 67: Herrera: I love the temple!

Dear Family,
Okay so my P-day is Friday this week. The special occasion is that we went to the temple today. I’m super happy that you guys had a good spring break and that you had a great time in California. I hope you will enjoy the carpet when you get home. I’m excited to hear about it this next Monday.
I always love the temple. But this was a very special experience. It was the new video and I learned a lot of new things, but what made it a super amazing experience is that I really paid attention the feelings I had and really I just felt a lot closer to God. It was just a very special moment where I was able to sit and pray and feel the spirit in a very profound way. I love the temple. We went to the temple with another zone and so I was able to go there with a bunch of old friends. Afterwards they let us eat in the temple and it was cool because I didn’t know the temple had a basement, but after lunch we took the elevator up and it was my comp and I and 2 other missionaries. One of them accidently pressed the third floor and we ended up in the attic of the temple and one of the missionaries freaked out.
          Then as for my area... well, Herrera is smack dab in the middle of the capital. It’s kind of like a concrete jungle, just houses on top of houses and lots of hills. Hardly any green. I’m starting to get a map of the area in my head, but it’s a very, very cool area. The people seem pretty nice, but there are a lot of tigres here and lots of drunk people and prostitutes and stuff like that. But the good thing is that there aren’t very many crazy churches in this area. That makes the work a lot easier. The ward here is really strong. Lots of members and lots of people that actually do their calling. It’s a big change going from a small branch to a big strong ward. In San Juan the missionaries basically had to run the church and do everybody’s callings for them. Here we just do our job! 
As for the investigators, this area is really big and it used to have 4 elders, but now it’s just us, so we have a lot of investigators that the other elders were teaching. There are investigators are all over the place, high and low. They live everywhere. But there are some really good ones. For example, we have this one investigator named M who is an Adventist, but has a lot of faith and we gave her a Book of Mormon and this lady is almost done with 1 Nephi so she’s reading a lot and dropping coffee, but she just needs to come to church. There’s also this guy named C who we contacted.  We started teaching him and he speaks English, so half the lesson is in English and the other half is in Spanish. It’s kind of cool. But he has been reading a ton as well and he loves it. It makes sense to him. We gave him a Book of Mormon and I asked him, “C what are you going to do with that book?” And he said that he was going to read it and the next time we passed by he told us that what I said his him really hard and he read it up to chapter 3. He said that he loves it and that the things in the Book of Mormon are the problems that he faces and lives everyday!  This guy is definitely getting baptized. He just needs to go to church because right now he has a class on Sundays, but when he finishes it he’s promised to go. This week he also accepted a baptismal date! There are a bunch of Haitians here in Herrera so we have a couple Haitian investigators. They are hard to teach, but they are very humble people. People here hate Haitians and there is a big discrimination problem, but luckily we have a couple Haitian members who sometimes help us in the lessons. 
Anyway, I really like it here. Hopefully I'll stay here for a while, but we will see. Let me know if you guys have any questions for me. Also I love you all. Have a great week. And a huge shout out to Anna for joining the Spanish club!


Elder Stark

ya somos los mejores aun si Anna va a hablar muy rara después de su misión con su acento fino. después que todos regresen de sus misiones vamos a formar un combinación secreto y nadie va a entender nos muhahah

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