Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 14 Santo Domingo: My newest Dominican obsession

Hi family,

So last Tuesday, we had a pretty boring day except we taught E. She is in love with the Book of Mormon! She has been reading every night and cross-referencing it to the Bible. It is super cool!!!

Then Wednesday we had exchanges as a district. So I took Elder Mo to my area and my comp, Elder M, went with Elder E to his area! So during this exchange, we went to see a dry investigator (one who has been taught everything but for some reason, usually marriage, doesn’t want to be baptized). Her daughter is a member. Anyway, I asked Elder Mo to share his favorite scripture, and he pulled out the baptism scriptures and forced a baptism date on her, and I had to sit there all awkwardly because I can’t really jump in and say, “She’s not ready for that, or she doesn’t want that.”
It was really frustrating.

Thursday was super cool! We found a guanabana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a green squishy fruit that is super white on the inside!  Anyway, I bought 2 and made juice out of it! FYI: when I get home, I’m going to make homemade juice all the time! It’s my newest Dominican obsession! I’ve even had avocado juice! Anyway, while I was making juice, Elder M discovered a bunch of magic settings on my camera and was taking some pretty cool photos!

Friday I had my first zone conference! It was super long! From 8-5, but super cool and really spiritual! Also afterwards, I got the package! Thank you sooooo much mom! Later, we went the ward party for J, an 18 year old in our ward, who is leaving on his mission! He goes out with us sometimes.

Saturday, we went and bought food for the week, which was fun and then we also went to a baptism for two little kids that the other companionship in our district has been teaching!

It was a great week.


Elder Stark

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